Board of Trustees

CCB’s President

The Rt Hon Lord Benyon, Minister of State (Minister for Biosecurity, Marine and Rural Affairs) has been our President since 2017. Lord Benyon has spoken passionately about our work at events and is a great ambassador for our organisation. In particular, Lord Benyon has increased awareness about the fantastic works that CCB and our sister Rural Community Councils do, to ensure that village halls and community buildings remain lively, viable, and busy village hubs. In 2022 we were delighted to be able to invite Lord Benyon to launch Village Halls Week in Bucklebury on behalf of our national network Action with Communities in Rural England.

Find out more about our current fabulous board of Trustees below – who are responsible for overseeing our charity and its governance. Our Trustees are invaluable volunteers who play a crucial role in our charity’s work. Would you like to join them?! We’re recruiting! Click here.