CCB Impact Report

What a difference a year makes! Twelve months ago we were working hard on our second stage bid to the Reaching Communities Fund. We had just completed a pilot project bringing new exercise classes to young people and older people in rural communities.

We were once again providing fuel poverty advice at drop-in sessions to vulnerable families and were back in the classroom delivering training face-to-face following the ending of all Covid restrictions.

Spring/Summer 2023 finds us busier than ever, delivering our new 21st Century Halls programme funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and the Princes Countryside Fund. Our team has grown for the first time in years, having welcomed Maria Kelly as our new Project Development Officer. Our Fuel Poverty project has reached more people than ever before and membership of the Community Buildings Advice Service is at an all-time high.

We have had a chance to take a quick glance back at what we have achieved over the last year and set some goals for the current one. Do take a look. To read the full report click below.

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